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A Hobbyists Blog on Amateur radio, Arts and Crafts, and Motorbikes.

Thanks for stopping by Gazlabs, if you're creative, technically minded, love electronics, computing from desktop PC's to Raspberry Pi's then hopfully I will entertain you a little as I clumsily crash through various pastimes. 

I started a YouTube channel back in 2014 used it to share cat videos until I uploaded an SDR video looking at the AirSpy SDR-Sharp software, it was popular and thats where my YouTube journey really started.
I run several Facebook groups focusing on various different radios: FT-DX10, IC-705, ID-52 to name but a few so please head over to Facebook should any of those groups interest you.

I am always organizing new and engaging activities for our members, feel free to get in touch for more information. I hope you’ll join us!

Thanks to all my supporters and of course Martin Lynch and Sons The best place to get your Ham-Radio kit in the UK

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