Expanding the frequencies on amateur radio is not permitted in many countries, however there are times when it falls into a grey area example NOV's (notice of variation) temporary frequencies that HAMRADIO operators can experiment on. when this happens there is often only one way of getting access to the band up for grabs, and that is a simple temporary change in the band edges of an existing radio. DO CHECK WITH YOUR LICENCE!!
Why not use one of the most flexible radios on the market that also happens to be as cheap as chips, the Xiegu X6100 SDR QRP portable.
Grab the radio and its power cable, get the radio plugged in..
Grab a USB C cable insert into the dev port and plug the other end int a PC..
Download Tera Term https://osdn.net/projects/ttssh2/releases/
Install Tera Term
Get your port numbers from device manager you can see mine here 10 and 11 your will be different.. make a note of them!

Open Tera Term and click setup select one of your ports from the drop down and check the settings below are the same and click open new..

if the radio is on turn it off and on again, if its off turn it on you should now see text flying down the screen.. you are there!
At some point it will stop. type "root" then when it asks for a password type "123" you should see a line **root@xiegu-x6100: /root**
now type "nano /etc/xgradio/xgradio.conf" there will be a list, use the <^> arrow keys to scroll down to [mods] fullband-tx=dissable use the arrows to get to the end of dissable and use backspace to delete it. then type "enable"
CTRL + S to save
CTRL + X to escape
restart the radio
you should now see F-TX in red top left hand side of the radio screen.
well done! you have widebanded your X6100 .. remember to check if its OK to do in your location, you have been warned :-)